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Better Nutrition with the Right Nutritionist

Nutrition with supplements

Holistic Practitioner Guest Blogger – Dr Cyrus Thomas, D.C., DNBHE, MDH (India) “Never Better Since… I improved my nutrition!” Nutritionists are expert sources on identifying the best health regimen in their field, but it seems everyone is going on-line these days to research what to do about nutrition instead.  A friend of mine was once…

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Symptoms but No Diagnosis from Medical Doctors

Woman feeling sick

A friend of mine had been complaining of severe fatigue and was sure she had something very wrong with her. Her other symptoms included a persistent earache, chronic sinus infections, inability to sleep, and weight loss. Despite seeking the expertise of a multitude of medical specialists (ENT, GYN, Cardiologist, Neurologist, Rheumatologist and others) and undergoing…

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