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Cervical Care

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a form of chiropractic care that involves adjustments of the upper two vertebrae, the axis and atlas. These vertebrae form a bridge that connects the neck to the head and control the nerves that carry information from all parts of the body to the brain. When they are not aligned…

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Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and often modified with props such as yoga blocks. This method is designed to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions.

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ZUMBA is a fusion of Latin and International music – dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system. The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Zumba utilizes the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output,…

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Weight Training

Weight training is a method for developing muscular strength and increasing the size of skeletal muscles. Muscle mass lessens with age. If you don’t replace the lost muscle mass, an increase in fat will result. Some benefits of weight training include building strong bones, maintain weight, manage chronic conditions, improve thinking and enhance quality of…

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Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is a form of exercise that is done in shallow water, usually a swimming pool. Using the resistance of water is ideal for individuals who have mobility problems. Benefits include building cardiovascular strength and stamina, flexibility, burning fat and helps the healing of muscles and joints

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Stretching can be defined as a form of exercise where specific muscles or tendons are stretched to improve its elasticity. The goal of stretching is to achieve a more normal, comfortable muscle tone, resulting in more flexibility and range of motion. Stretching enhances general fitness, movement and neuromuscular coordination

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Swimming involves moving one’s entire body through the resistance of water. It will increase your heart rate, so it is a good cardio exercise. Swimming does not put pressure on bones and joints. Other benefits include building endurance and muscle strength, maintaining weight and alleviating stress

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Sports Performance Counseling

Unlike sports psychology, which focuses primarily on game-time performance, sports counselors take a more holistic approach by also paying attention to the mental well-being and pyscho-emotional needs of athletes. Elite athletes understand their physical ability will only take them so far within their sport. The edge that many athletes crave can be gained through a…

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Muscular Strength

Muscular strength is different than muscular endurance. Endurance refers to how long you can perform a task. ie; stamina. Strength refers to how vigorous that muscle is. What is the maximum force that muscle can apply in a single effort?  Some benefits of muscular strength include preventing bone loss, decreasing risk of injury and more

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Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is defined as the ability of a muscle to repeatedly apply a consistent force over a prolonged period of time. You might consider muscular endurance as “stamina”. Some exercises that will increase muscular endurance include sit-ups, squats, push-ups and others

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