Holistic Practitioner Spotlight with Carolyn A. Marn who is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Brain Health Coach
We are speaking with Carolyn Marn, HHP, regarding her approach to working with clients who have been given a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. From 2010-2020, Carolyn founded and developed the Wellness Essence System (WE) – a comprehensive, state-of-the-art Quantum Healing System, which has proven to be an invaluable tool in helping clients achieve optimal health and wellness.
Tell Us a Story About a Client with Autism Spectrum Disorder and How You Helped
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it is currently estimated that 1 in 59 children are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), an umbrella term that includes several related conditions. Characteristics can include mild to severe developmental delays, communication problems, abnormal social skills, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Boys are 4 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ASD.
Four year old Quinn (name changed for privacy) had been diagnosed with ASD. In October 2011, he presented with ongoing communication difficulties. His parents had already been cheering on his efforts to speak for approximately 2 years; and, could sense his frustration at having many important things to say and not being able to get them out.
Before seeking out our services, Quinn’s parents had been patient and steadfast in encouraging their son to speak. They had already engaged in testing to assess the areas of hearing, speech, language, developmental level, and social and behavioral issues. The test results did not reveal any obvious abnormality, other than Quinn’s inability to verbalize his thoughts. No medications had been prescribed to this point. Despite his parents’ valiant, dedicated efforts to find help for their son, Quinn’s vocabulary remained unheard.
A Holistic Standard Protocol for ASD Using Quantum Healing
In holistic healing practice, we do not use the term “treatment”; rather, the word “session” is preferred. A Wellness Essence (WE) Session follows a Standard Protocol (SP). This SP involves taking a comprehensive patient history and listening intently to the client’s concerns. Following the initial client/parent interview, written client/parent consent is obtained. Next, we facilitate the quantum healing session using the Wellness Essence (WE) System Chart and Manual as navigational tools to determine and engage the specific healing aspects required for each unique client’s optimal healing and/or performance enhancement.
I like to go by the theory that our bodies ultimately are fields of energy, information, and intelligence. According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, “Quantum Healing” is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness – mind – to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness – body.
I facilitated a distance, aka “remote”, WE Session for Quinn; and, then checked to determine whether any adjunctive measures were indicated. Adjunctive measures are specific additional resources that support optimal healing and performance on a more tangible level. They include nutritional supplements, educational reading, crystals, aromatherapy, colored-light therapy, sound therapy, and/or pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy.
The immediate outcome of the session was remarkable from everyone’s perspective. In the words of Quinn’s Mother,
“We could see changes in our son the very next day and the shifting continued for days to come. I cannot tell you how exciting it was to have his unheard vocabulary begin to pour out. We had known for so long that he had so many things to say, and through this work, the flood gates were opened! His excitement at this expansion was matched by the curiosity to learn more. During that time, and after, I was able to keep in contact with Carolyn to ask questions and tell her of the developments. I had no idea what a profound difference an energy session could have, especially from afar.”
It should be noted that distance has never been a factor in performing healing work. Since consciousness knows no boundaries or separation, we can practice this modality remotely; in other words, “at a distance”, by way of the quantum physics principle of quantum entanglement. Albert Einstein called this phenomenon “Spooky Action at a Distance“. The energy healer, who is presenting a very strong intention of health can direct healing vibrations (energetic frequencies) to the client’s energy field which then entrains with the healthier vibration.
No additional WE Sessions or adjunctive measures were indicated for Quinn in the following months. This situation of requiring only one or two WE Sessions is often the case, in my experience, when working with children and/or clients expressing acute conditions because issues haven’t yet been allowed to “set” or build up to the point of chronicity. The sooner any disturbances in a person’s consciousness (energy field) are addressed effectively, the better – for all concerned.
Why and When Did You Choose the Holistic Path?
My holistic path was chosen at a very early age; in fact, it likely chose me. My Dad was a Chiropractor and I grew up with the natural, “first do no harm” philosophy and practice. I was always passionate about homeopathy; and, strove to learn everything I could about this remarkable paradigm of natural healing.
I spent 24 years in an interesting career as a registered nuclear medicine technologist and experienced two work-related accidents which cut that career short. I developed severe fibromyalgia, however, did not receive ongoing financial compensation and lost my appeal for long term disability support.
As I had already been studying Usui Reiki for a couple of years, I quickly and intensely became immersed in other “energetic” healing systems including Integrated Energy Therapy, and Bodytalk. After practicing Bodytalk for several months, I began to intuit, receive, and spatially organize the Wellness Essence (WE) System. During the past 2 years, I have been intuitively guided to systematically configure more than 350 specific, intentional healing modules, aka Healing “Apps”, using the Wellness Essence (WE) System.
In short, the “why” is that following a holistic path has been my calling and my passion. I couldn’t have not done it. A wonderful side-effect is that I have been able to free myself of the confines of a life previously drastically limited by fibromyalgia.
What Lessons Have Your Work and Personal Experiences Taught You?
My lessons and work have taught me that every single client’s constitution and circumstances are unique. Situations and/or substances that wreak havoc on one person’s constitution and/or psychological state will have little to no effect on another’s. A holistic healing path is highly individualized – there is no “one size fits all”. It would take weeks, if not months or years, to fully investigate all of a person’s history and to accurately pinpoint and address all of the possible causes of their current condition. And while it is important to gather and consider client history, I feel it is paramount to focus on the best possible solution, using direct intention for the highest healing of all concerned.
In the past fifteen years, I have witnessed a wide spectrum of client responses to quantum healing sessions. Some sessions have yielded immediate stunning results while others have taken a few weeks, months, or even years to fully unfold and reap all of the benefits. In my experience, it has been highly beneficial to have the use of a comprehensive navigational quantum healing tool; whereby, each client’s optimal healing is approached systematically AND uniquely at the same. Some testimonials of the remarkable outcomes of these highly individualized WE Quantum Healing Sessions may be viewed on my website.
Carolyn was born and grew up in Dunnville, Ontario, Canada where she graduated, with honors, from Dunnville Secondary School. Her professional studies ensued at The University of Toronto, The Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences, and Centennial College.
Carolyn worked for 24 years as a registered technologist in nuclear medicine before suffering 2 work-related accidents which ended her career. She has since studied multiple energy-based healing systems and has spent the past ten years practicing and developing the Wellness Essence (WE) System to its full potential.
Carolyn is married to David Marn who works as a Civilian Doctor of Chiropractic for the US Department of Defense at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. She is the mother of three grown sons who live in Canada. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, practicing yoga, mountain biking, hiking, reading, and writing.
Carolyn A. Marn, HHP
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Brain Health Coach
Resonating Wellness
Wahiawa, Hawaii USA
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