Holistic Practitioner Spotlight with Jed Kobernusz, an Exercise Physiologist, and How Bodyweight Movement Helps Increase Strength, Mobility and More
We are speaking with Jed Kobernusz, ACSM-EPC, CEAS-I, FMS, EMT, an Exercise Physiologist and a Certified Movement Coach. He feels everyone has the power to change their own life. If we need any question answered all we need to do is ask ourselves the right question.
Tell Us a Story About a Client Who Had a Desire to Improve Her Strength and How Bodyweight Movement Helped in Many More Ways
Sally, a single mom wants to be strong for her children. Fortunately she loves being active and running outdoors. The only area of fitness exercising she was addressing with this activity, however, was cardio. Sally intuitively knew that she needed other activities that would be helpful in improving her physical health as she aged. She read that after the age of 35 we start to lose mobility in our joints. Sally had been to multiple trainers in the local areas as well as many high-end training facilities in the Twin Cities. She also tried online group programs. None of them kept her attention.
Sally found her way to me where we discussed the benefits of strength training that would help her stay active throughout the later parts of her life. One of the best ways to combat the body wearing out and also improve strength is movement – more specifically bodyweight movement.
How did you arrive at Sally’s course of treatment?
The first step was a full functional musculoskeletal assessment where I tested objective measurements such as push-ups, sit-ups and squats. A willingness to participate was necessary for any success. We could establish Sally’s mindset readiness for change based on her responses to specific questions.
What modalities or therapies did you implement and what was the outcome of the services you provided?
I didn’t use any special modalities for addressing Sally’s immobility. Bodyweight movement such as squats, lunges, and side raise exercises were used on a consistent basis. In just over three months, Sally’s baseline testing showed a fantastic outcome. She had a 40% increase across the board in her overall range of motion, strength, endurance, balance, coordination, posture and confidence. And all this without any equipment; just her own bodyweight and perseverance.
Why and When Did You Choose the Holistic Path?
I chose a holistic path as soon as I graduated college in 2008. My journey started when I was 19. I worked as a shop tech at a camper dealership. My back was being stressed because I was using poor body mechanics. To this day I suffer from chronic pain in my thoracic spine. To keep it strong and healthy I have a daily workout and stick to an anti inflammatory diet.
What Lessons Have Your Work and Personal Experiences Taught You?
I get the opportunity to help people everyday. And everyday I learn something new because no two people are the same. Modifications for each individual are key to a successful plan. I have learned that I must meet people where they are on their journey and not try to push them into something they’re not ready for. That is the best way that has worked for me to achieve lasting and better outcome.
Jed has 13 years of experience working with people of varying ages and abilities providing holistic services in both individual and group settings. He has current certifications in: EMT- Emergency Medical Technician, ACSM-EPC – American College of Sports Medicine – Certified Exercise Physiologist, FSM-1 – Functional Movement Systems, First Aid, CPR and AED.
Jed Kobernusz, ACSM-EPC, CEAS-I, FMS, EMT
Exercise Physiologist and Certified Movement Coach
Roseau, MN USA
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