Explore These Fun Videos!
8 Proven Ways to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist
Overcome your fear of the dentist and stop cancelling appointments and avoiding needed treatment. Learn 8 tips that really work to naturally reduce your level of anxiety and keep you from experiencing pain and dental emergencies.
4 Ways to Improve Self-Discipline
Having self-discipline is a skill that needs to be developed. Goal setting, being motivated, asking forgiveness and rewarding yourself for project completion are just a few pillars of self-discipline. You must learn how to set goals, find that motivation through reciting mantras, stating affirmations, practicing self-actualization, imagining positive outcomes and learning how to forgive oneself. By practicing self-discipline you make great strides in personal development, self improvement, forgiveness, and self development.
Inflamed Gums, Periodontal Disease and Heart Risk
Could your inflamed gums or periodontal disease put you at risk for heart disease? Find out how the harmful bacteria residing beneath your gums get into your bloodstream to go to your heart. Even getting your teeth cleaned by the hygienist can set you up for heart symptoms if certain protocols are not observed. Watch this video to become aware of what you need to know of the oral relationship of gum disease to your heart health.