Posts Tagged ‘gum disease’
The Best Oral Hygiene Technique!
“What do you recommend as the best oral hygiene technique for maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and bone?” That is a question I get from my patients almost every day. The most important question to ask however, and one that most people do NOTask is, “What’s the proper order of brushing and flossing and what…
Read MoreThe Health Benefits of Oil Pulling
In this blog, I will be discussing the health benefits of the ancient Ayurvedic practice of Oil Pulling, a practical and inexpensive way to keep your mouth and whole body healthy. Your mouth is the gateway to your body. You eat and breathe through your mouth, as it is the entrance to your digestive and…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About Dental Exams
Health-focused dentists recognize that the oral area of your body can influence your overall health as well as impact how you look and feel about yourself. In this blog, I will discuss the comprehensive dental examination that a holistic/biological dentist performs and 8 areas of focus in evaluating your oral and overall health. 1. Dental…
Read MoreGum Disease Can Impact Your Overall Health and Wellness!
So, what is the big deal about gum disease? Do you know that over 90% of people have some sort of gum disease – from simple gingivitis to advanced periodontitis? You probably floss, you brush, and you think all is well. But are you quite sure you are not in that 90% group? How do…
Read MoreDental Links to Health
There are many dental links to health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body. Good oral health is not really an option, but rather an important, integral aspect of overall health. The purpose of this blog is to provide you with 5 conditions and risk factors that you must consider when evaluating your own…
Read MoreGum Disease and Holistic Dentistry
Holistic Practitioner Spotlight with Dr. Toni Engram, a Biological Dentist and Her Approach to Treating Gum Disease We are speaking with Dr. Toni Engram, DDS, who recognizes that oral health is an important part of the body effecting overall health. She also works with chiropractors, naturopaths, integrative physicians and nutritionists to help round out her…
Read MoreThe Missing Link in Health and Wellness
It’s impossible to achieve sustainable health and wellness when there are underlying dental problems. Ignored or unrecognized relentless dental distress which can include gum disease, decayed, infected and missing teeth, and TMJ imbalance can contribute to obesity, heart attack and stroke risk, headaches, sleep disturbances, pregnancy complications, and nutritional deficiencies.
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