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Ajna Light

The Ajna Light is a device for helping the receiver get into a meditative state through brainwave entrainment using high power LED lights flickering at specific frequencies. The light sequences take you through a series of brainwave states to open and activate the pineal gland. This gland helps regulate circadian rhythms (the sleep cycle) by…

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Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and often modified with props such as yoga blocks. This method is designed to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions.

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Cardio Training

Cardio training consists of various sets of exercises designed to increase your heart rate. This increase in rate will strengthen heart muscle by delivering more oxygen to the muscle cells. Some examples of cardio exercise include walking, elliptical, running, high intensity interval training, cycling, jumping rope, swimming, among others

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Natural and Alternative Care

Natural therapies are health treatments that are not standard in Western medical practices. Whereas traditional medicine treats symptoms and problems, alternative medicine uses non-drug remedies that rely on the body’s innate healing abilities. These therapies focus on cause and prevention, strengthening the immune system, and maintaining overall health.

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Coaching – Spiritual

Spiritual Coaching is non-religious approach to healing the body, mind, and spirit where the goal is to bring meaningful change, transformation and lasting success in life and business. A Spiritual Life Coach helps you to find out what is blocking you from achieving your dreams and living your best life. The coach helps you to…

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Coaching – Weight Loss

It has been found that approximately two thirds of people who lose weight gain it back and more. Weight loss is not just about eating less. It is about what and how you eat. But it is also about the whole person as excess weight is often a side effect of some other physical or…

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Counseling – Food Allergies

While any severe food allergy is a significant challenge, parents of children with multiple-allergic conditions face a particularly steep learning curve in working toward a normal life. Daily fear about an allergic reaction may be ever-present. Food allergy counselors assist patients and parents not only in coping with food avoidance, but in learning to live…

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Cranial Work

Cranial Work also called cranial therapy and cranial osteopathy is based on the premise that the bones of the skull never fully fuse and can be delicately manipulated. This is important when there is head trauma, extensive dental work, malocclusion or a habit of clenching teeth, as these things can subtly shift the bones in…

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Chinese Herbs

The aims of Chinese herbal therapy are to help you regain balance in your body and to strengthen your body’s resistance to disease. It is totally different from western medicine in that the herbs do not depend on the active ingredients but rather the energy preserved in the herbs. Prescribed by a well-trained practitioner of…

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Yin yoga poses are held for several minutes at a time. This meditative practice is designed to target your deeper connective tissues and fascia, restoring length and elasticity. You’ll use props so your body can release into the posture instead of actively flexing or engaging the muscles. Its purpose is to calm and balance your…

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