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Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and often modified with props such as yoga blocks. This method is designed to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions.

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Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is a form of exercise that is done in shallow water, usually a swimming pool. Using the resistance of water is ideal for individuals who have mobility problems. Benefits include building cardiovascular strength and stamina, flexibility, burning fat and helps the healing of muscles and joints

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Stretching can be defined as a form of exercise where specific muscles or tendons are stretched to improve its elasticity. The goal of stretching is to achieve a more normal, comfortable muscle tone, resulting in more flexibility and range of motion. Stretching enhances general fitness, movement and neuromuscular coordination

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Swimming involves moving one’s entire body through the resistance of water. It will increase your heart rate, so it is a good cardio exercise. Swimming does not put pressure on bones and joints. Other benefits include building endurance and muscle strength, maintaining weight and alleviating stress

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Sports Performance Counseling

Unlike sports psychology, which focuses primarily on game-time performance, sports counselors take a more holistic approach by also paying attention to the mental well-being and pyscho-emotional needs of athletes. Elite athletes understand their physical ability will only take them so far within their sport. The edge that many athletes crave can be gained through a…

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Joint Flexibility

Joint flexibility is defined as the range of motion within a joint or joints that are affected by the associated muscle(s) allowing bending or movement of that joint without pain or stiffness. Flexibility between individuals varies based on muscle length, age and other physical limitations. Incorporating stretching exercises into your fitness routine will greatly improve…

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Cardio Training

Cardio training consists of various sets of exercises designed to increase your heart rate. This increase in rate will strengthen heart muscle by delivering more oxygen to the muscle cells. Some examples of cardio exercise include walking, elliptical, running, high intensity interval training, cycling, jumping rope, swimming, among others

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Aquatic Services

The soothing properties of water appeal to those in search of treatment that can heal the body while improving rehabilitation timeframes, fitness levels or reducing overall stress levels. Aquatic exercise like swimming or water aerobics does not need to be supervised by a trained professional. Exercises can involve accessories such as stationary bicycles, flotation rings…

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Natural and Alternative Care

Natural therapies are health treatments that are not standard in Western medical practices. Whereas traditional medicine treats symptoms and problems, alternative medicine uses non-drug remedies that rely on the body’s innate healing abilities. These therapies focus on cause and prevention, strengthening the immune system, and maintaining overall health.

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Diet-Disease Management

There are diets to prevent chronic diseases and there are condition-specific diet plans for just about every different disease and condition. People struggling with weight management, systemic inflammation, chronic disease, or cancer, as well as athletes desiring to improve performance and decrease pain will benefit from the right improvements to their diets. The holistic approach…

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